...Writing fizz that does the bizz of writing...

uat analyst
graphic designER



WEB DESIGn, management & hosting





The Creative POV


Creating a freaking super cool game plan;

of course, with a blueprint to ensure the art of war against the great big wolf (that would be your competitors) will forever…be available to be seen in the superb hall of business strategies

The Professional POV


Determining an appropriate course of action so that the client can achieve organizational objectives and thereby accomplish the purpose of the competitive edge that any business is trying to reach.


Upon using the super-duper well of imagination to bring forth, such bright inspiration of creativity and innovation ideas. My individuality did grow a huge “I think I am cool” expressiveness towards the all so ever originality and predictable process flow of business.

Within any successful business, creativity and innovation are always acknowledge as a sure path to success. Creativity stimulation and exploring new and unknown territories can lead to increased productivity within the organization. Encouraging and equipping employees with time and resources to explore their creativity and innovation productivity is key to cost-effective business growth.


By now you should be thinking that this lady is the cat's pajamas (this might be an outdated slang, but man, it still has... slang :) - and just so that the light does not go dim - it means something exciting, new or excellent.


Me, Myself and I, could be a fierce tripod against the big bad wolf in the all so ever world of boring suits and ties.  

Providing professional Business Support Services through innovative and creative ideas and business process evaluation. Supporting individuality and growth within your business and creating a team of employees that will stand out in the world of business.

Our work gallery



This Lady in Cat Pajamas and leader of the Catnip Junkies - Will bring your Business Core Message to the target market or audience in using creative, imaginative, and inspired ideas and processes; in creating engaging learning and customer experiences that will produce a happy Brand Ambassador


Good – outstanding, exceptional, specialized, knowledgeable - writing drives profitability.

A happy employee is a Brand Ambassador for his/her employer and company, which in return will result in a satisfied customer - a 24/7/365 cost-free Brand Ambassador.

Representing your business to the world.